Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All students receive a choir t-shirt and choir polo with their choir fee. These are both used on occasion throughout the year, along with a pair of jeans with no holes. This is considered an "informal" uniform. If a student misplaces their choir shirt or polo, they must purchase a new one.
All students will be assigned a choir dress or choir tux for formal concerts. This uniform is considered a rental and must be returned at the conclusion of each year for cleaning. If a student misplaces any item of their formal uniform, they must pay the choir program back to purchase a new dress/tux.
Students will also be asked to purchase costumes for various events, such as pop show. These will be discussed as a class and due on a specific school day for a major grade.
Some classes, like Bel Canto and Chamber, may choose to wear a select uniform for some performances. This is up the the choir to decide on and will be communicated in class.
Ex. Bel Canto Renaissance Dresses, Chamber Holiday attire
For more specifics, check out the Choir Handbook.
Each fall, over 70,000 Texas high school students begin the All-State audition process. 1,810 are ultimately selected to rehearse and perform during the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention in one of 18 Texas All-State ensembles, including four choirs: Mixed Choir, Treble Choir, Tenor-Bass Choir, and Small School Mixed Choir. All-State music is released during the summer, and students may choose to attend choir camps to familiarize themselves with the music. District auditions, the first round of auditions, are generally held in the beginning of September. The following three rounds are generally held in October, November, and January.
Students will all leave from TMHS at the same time on audition days, either taking the bus or following behind with their own vehicles. At District auditions, students will check in at the very beginning of the day. They will be given their audition numbers which will determine the order of auditions. Students will not have access to their phones until after their auditions are over. At that point, they may contact parents in order to be picked up from that location. Audition results will not be known until the end of the day. Students who qualify will continue onto the next stage of auditions.
Our students distribute and pick-up flags five times a year in neighborhoods that feed into TMHS. The flags are approximately 10ft in height, and students will need a vehicle that can accommodate that height. (A Honda Odyssey can fit up to 170 flags with the middle console down and the back seats flattened.) Students will sign up for the number of flags that works best for them (smaller vehicles hold fewer flags; bigger trucks can handle up to 400 flags). It takes about an hour to distribute 50 flags and another hour to pick them up again after the holiday. There are designated times for both getting the flags from the school and returning them. Students earn 2 points/flag (1 point for each flag distributed and 1 point for each flag picked up). Points can be used for voice lessons, camps, the annual choir trip, class fees, and more. Points rollover to family members in consecutive years of choir, so this is a great benefit to families!
Business & Community Supporters
King of the Jungle $1000
Slideshow Recognition at every concert
4 Reserved seats at all concerts
4 tickets to Pop Show
Super Cat $500
EOY Slideshow Recognition
4 Reserved Seats at all concerts
4 tickets to Pop Show
Big Cat $250
EOY Slideshow Recognition
4 Reserved Seats at all concerts
Wildcat $100
EOY Slideshow Recognition
2 Reserved Seats at our Winter Concert
Family & Individual Supporters
Wildcatter $250
EOY Slideshow Recognition
4 Reserved seats at all concerts
4 tickets to Pop Show
Navy Contributor $100
EOY Slideshow Recognition
4 Reserved Seats at all concerts
Silver Contributor $50
EOY Slideshow Recognition
2 Reserved Seats at Winter Concert
Booster $25
EOY Slideshow Recognition
Purchase your membership in our Shop today!
To confirm the number of points in your student's account, access that information through Charms:
Go to
Click Login, Parents / Students / Members
School code: TomballMemorialChoir (this is case sensitive)
Password: Student’s ID number (or your new password if you’ve updated it)
Click on the finances section and look for the credit balance.
Once you've confirmed those points, submit your requests HERE.